FCA seeks to be an indispensable asset to the fraternal movement, to challenge members to imagine a better way of communicating, and to provide an enriching membership experience.
FCA seeks to be an indispensable asset to the fraternal movement, to challenge members to imagine a better way of communicating, and to provide an enriching membership experience.
The Fraternity Communications Association Board of Directors are volunteers from one of our more than 70 member organizations who serve to help enhance the fraternity movement.
Hillary Brewer
Foundation for Fraternal Excellence & North American Interfraternity Conference
Email Hillary
Vice President - Operations
Sarah Shepherd
Beta Theta Pi
Email Sarah
Vice President - Programming
Ben Hill
Theta Chi
Email Ben
Director of Finance
Brent Buswell
Kappa Alpha Order
Email Brent
Director of Education
Tom McAninch
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Email Tom
Director of Events
Aaron Bauer
Alpha Tau Omega
Email Aaron
Director of Marketing
Aranda Gehringer
Pi Kappa Alpha
Email Aranda
Director of Networking
Jill Richardson
Alpha Chi Omega
Email Jill
Director of Recognition
Jennifer Freeman Thompson
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Email Jennifer
Past President
Andrea Benek
Zeta Beta Tau
Email Andrea
Pictured, back row to front, left to right: Aaron Bauer, Tom McAninch, Ben Hill, Brent Buswell, Andrea Benek, Allison Lynch, Jill Richardson, Sarah Shepherd, Aranda Gehringer.
The Fraternity Communications Association each year opens nomination forms for those desirous of becoming a member of the Board of Directors. The period for the 2025-2027 term will open in January 2025. After an application windows, interested candidates will be interviewed in March and slated in April. The new Board will take office in May at the Annual Conference.
We are seeking constituents from our member organizations within the Association who are looking for a professional development opportunity and are willing to serve as our volunteer leaders for the Board of Directors, helping to drive the organization forward through the implementation of our strategic plan, our mission and our values. In addition, board candidates should be committed to maintaining the Association’s professionalism and will be asked to invest extra time to serve on the board. Ideally candidates will have demonstrated prior service and contribution to this Association or one of similar size but that service in not required to be elected to the Board.
Board Member Expectations
In accordance with our Association’s Constitution, board members are elected to two-year terms and must be re-elected to be retained. The following are general expectations of all those serving on the FCA Board of Directors:
Participate in monthly Board of Directors Conference Call (1 hour)
Participate in two face-to-face meetings per year; November – 1 day (Midyear Conference), and May – 3 days (Annual Conference). The cost to attend and lodging for each of these meetings is the director’s responsibility.
Attend the virtual board retreat in August.
Attend the Midyear Conference (November)
Attend the Annual Conference (typically the second week of May; Wednesday through Friday)
Oversee 1-2 Committee Chairs; participate in weekly or bi-weekly calls
Typically, a Board Member spends 1-2 hours per week volunteering for FCA. Most organizations will allow their staff member to spend 1-2 per week during the workday to take care of their responsibilities, but that is not always the case. Board members are encouraged to review their supervisor’s expectations prior to taking on the role to avoid difficult conversations later.
For complete information about the board positions and the election process, refer to our Handbook of Governance, Policies & Procedures. The Nominations Committee reviews candidates for board election and deliberates carefully to ensure the best-qualified nominees are recommended for election as leaders for the coming two years.