FCA seeks to be an indispensable asset to the fraternal movement, to challenge members to imagine a better way of communicating, and to provide an enriching membership experience.
FCA seeks to be an indispensable asset to the fraternal movement, to challenge members to imagine a better way of communicating, and to provide an enriching membership experience.
2022 Evin C. Varner, Jr. posthumously awarded to Dale Slivinske (Theta Chi), accepted by Theta Chi brother Bill Schuetze
As the Grand Senior President of Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity and President of the College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA), now the Fraternity Communications Association (FCA), Evin Varner led both organizations to enhanced programs. He was a leader and speaker in many interfraternal programs and won many awards as editor of his fraternity’s magazine, The Tomahawk. He achieved all this while compiling a distinguished career in communications, marketing, and public relations. He was the first recipient of the award, shortly before his death in 1985.
Evin always had time for those who sought his counsel, and he easily shared his sense of mission. He was an innovator, a doer and above all, a friend. He influenced others’ appreciation of the role of the fraternal communicator and the effectiveness of interfraternal cooperation. It is this spirit—the outreach of caring and sharing, as well as communicating and achieving—that the Evin C. Varner, Jr. Fraternal Communications Award memorializes, recognizes, and inspires others.
The nominee must be a member of an FCA organization, but need not be a member of the nominating organization. Over a period of years with notable efforts and results, the Varner Award nominee should have communicated the meaning of “fraternity” through working for his or her fraternity. He/she should also have demonstrated sincere and credible leadership and service to the Greek-letter system.
Nomination materials must be submitted via the online submission portal each year during our award process. Check this page for more information. Applications for those nominated but not selected in each year will automatically be reconsidered for the next year’s award.
1985: Evin C. Varner, Jr., Alpha Sigma Phi
1986: Betty M. Jones, Alpha Phi
1987: Barbara J. Tootle, Pi Beta Phi
1988: Tozier Brown, Lambda Chi Alpha
1989: Fred F. Yoder, Sigma Chi
1990: William D. Krahling, Alpha Tau Omega
1991: Marilyn S. Ford, Pi Beta Phi
1992: George W. Spasyk, Lambda Chi Alpha
1993: James E. Greer, Jr., Zeta Beta Tau
1994: Durward Owen, Pi Kappa Phi
1995: Kris B. Riske, Gamma Phi Beta
1996: Edward M. King, Sigma Chi
1997: William D. Jenkins, Phi Kappa Tau
1998: Jean W. Scott, Pi Beta Phi
1999: Kirk Hassell, Chi Omega
2000: George S. Toll, Alpha Epsilon Pi
2001: William C. Schilling, Delta Sigma Pi
2002: Dr. Thomas Goodale, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
2003: Philip Josephson, Alpha Kappa Rho
2004: Marian Williams, Kappa Kappa Gamma
2005: Sidney Dunn, Alpha Epsilon Pi
2006: Bob Off, FarmHouse
2007: Beth K. Saul, Alpha Epsilon Pi
2008: Betty A. Quick, Gamma Phi Beta
2009: Kenneth D. Tracey, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
2010: Mike Moxley, Tau Kappa Epsilon
2011: Judy Thorne, Kappa Delta
2012: Linda Ablard, Alpha Delta Pi
2013: Dr. Mari Ann Callais, Theta Phi Alpha
2014: Jay Langhammer, Delta Tau Delta
2015: David Westol, Theta Chi
2016: Wynn Smiley, Sigma Tau Gamma and Alpha Tau Omega
2017: Mark Timmes, Pi Kappa Phi
2018: William A. Martin, III, Phi Gamma Delta
2019: Carole J. Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi
2020: Robert A. Biggs, Phi Delta Theta
2021: Jim Russell, Delta Tau Delta
2022: Dale Slivinske, Theta Chi (posthumously)
2023: Jesse Lyons, Kappa Alpha Order
2024: Sherry Anderson, Kappa Delta