FCA seeks to be an indispensable asset to the fraternal movement, to challenge members to imagine a better way of communicating, and to provide an enriching membership experience.
FCA seeks to be an indispensable asset to the fraternal movement, to challenge members to imagine a better way of communicating, and to provide an enriching membership experience.
Wendy Barker presents the 2022 Marilyn Simpson Ford Award of Distinction to Drew Logsdon (former FCA President and member of Sigma Nu Fraternity).
The Marilyn Simpson Ford Distinguished Service Award honors one who has diligently worked to advance the Association’s Vision and Purpose.
For more than 20 years, Nebraska Beta Marilyn Simpson Ford presented the heart and soul of Pi Beta Phi in The Arrow. As Editor, Marilyn oversaw several milestones of the magazine, including introducing color in 1974 and celebrating The Arrow’s centennial in 1985.
During Marilyn’s 21 years as Arrow Editor, she chaired several committees and then served as Chairman of the National Panhellenic Editors Conference (now National Panhellenic Communicators Conference) from 1981 to 1983. Throughout the years, she also chaired numerous committees and served on the Board of Directors for the College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA), now the Fraternity Communications Association (FCA).
At the 1989 NPC Annual Meeting, Pi Beta Phi presented an award in Marilyn’s name to CFEA/FCA to honor service to that organization. The Marilyn Simpson Ford Distinguished Service Award is given at the FCA Annual Conference to individual members of that Association who have worked diligently to advance the Association’s vision and purpose. Marilyn was the first honoree, with the presentation made by Pi Beta Phi Grand President Carolyn Helman Lichtenberg, Ohio Alpha, and the CFEA/FCA President Kris Brand Riske, Gamma Phi Beta.
Even in her retirement, Marilyn devoted her time and love to Pi Beta Phi, serving as Fraternity Historian from 1993 to 2003. She passed away in 2012.
Nominations are open during our annual awards process. Check this page for submission information.
1989: Marilyn S. Ford, Pi Beta Phi
1990: Sally Cutler, Alpha Chi Omega
1991: Lisa Elliott, Zeta Tau Alpha
1992: Matt Basta, Pi Kappa Phi and Liz Bell, Alpha Xi Delta
1993: Fred F. Yoder, Sigma Chi
1994: Anthony Palmieri III, Ph.D., Kappa Psi
1995: Walter F. Jenkins, Lambda Chi Alpha
1996: Erv Johnson, Beta Theta Pi
1997: Abraham Cross, Delta Upsilon
1998: Mary Lauck-Barr, Alpha Gamma Delta
1999: W. Len Rayburn, Kappa Sigma
2000: Jim Griffith, Farmhouse
2001: Jason A. Pearce, Lambda Chi Alpha
2002: Jess C. LaNore, Alpha Kappa Psi
2003: Howard E. Obenchain, Phi Delta Theta
2004: Jean Gileno Lloyd, Psi Upsilon
2005: Shanda Gray, Delta Sigma Pi
2006: Christine Barnicki, Chi Omega
2007: Allison Rickels, FarmHouse
2008: Tom Olver, Beta Theta Pi
2009: Johnny Porter, Kappa Psi
2010: Matthew DeWolf, Alpha Tau Omega
2011: Brandon Weghorst, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
2012: Steve Latour, Alpha Sigma Phi
2013: Mariellen Sasseen, Alpha Omicron Pi
2014: Jennifer M. Siler, Alpha Delta Pi
2015: Robert Umstadter, Beta Theta Pi
2016: Ashley Martin Schowengerdt, Pi Beta Phi
2017: Jackie Isaacson, Phi Mu
2018: Jesse S. Lyons, Kappa Alpha Order
2019: Amanda Milford, Tri Delta
2020: Todd Shelton, Kappa Alpha Order
2021: Alex Baker, Tau Kappa Epsilon
2022: Drew Logsdon, Sigma Nu
2023: Sarah Shepherd, Beta Theta Pi
2024: Wendy Barker, Alpha Gamma Delta