Board Spotlight: Drew Logsdon

Board Spotlight: Drew Logsdon

Get to Know your FCA Board of Directors!

FCA Board of Directors are the people who volunteer their time and talent to keep Fraternity Communications Association thriving!

Meet Drew Logsdon, President

Meet the Board - Drew Logsdon.jpg

What's your job title?
Director of Communications

Which organization do you work for?
Sigma Nu Fraternity

What is your fraternity/sorority affiliation (if any)?
Sigma Nu

Where can we follow you on social media?
Twitter: @SigmaNuDrew
Instagram: @SigmaNuDrew

What's your favorite thing about serving FCA?
I love being able to broaden my skill set and learning from my peers. There is an absolute bevy of talent and knowledge within FCA and serving as a volunteer means being exposed to that talent outside of the regular conferences and Facebook group.

Which Annual Conference location has been your favorite and why?
Washington, D.C. has thus far been my favorite because of the museums, history, and it was also my first which made it extra special. I do however expect Memphis to take the top spot.

Who is your professional mentor or role model? What's the most valuable thing you've learned from him or her?
I have several but in FCA it has to be Jesse Lyons and Alex Baker. Jesse always has a unique view of things and usually brings an idea to the table I never considered. Alex is a master of project management, something I'm not the best at, and is always looking for a way to be more productive and more efficient.

What is your dream job (please exclude your current role)?
Newspaper columnist, a la Dave Barry.

What's your favorite personality quiz and which type are you?
I'm an Enneagram fan and I'm a Type 7: Enthusiast. It explains why I'm all over the place sometimes but I'm always excited for what's next!

If you had an unlimited budget, where would you host a brainstorming session?
The Frist Museum in Nashville. One of my favorite buildings in town and full of inspiration!

What's your MLB walk-out song?
My World by Warcub

If your personality was a color, what would it be?
Red. Vibrant, bold, and frequently loud.

What are the last three emoji you used?
Fist bump, face palm, and laughing face ๐Ÿ‘Š ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜‚

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