Board Spotlight: Erica Carlson

Board Spotlight: Erica Carlson

Get to Know your FCA Board of Directors!

FCA Board of Directors are the people who volunteer their time and talent to keep Fraternity Communications Association thriving!

Meet Erica Carlson, Director of Marketing

Meet the Board - Erica Carlson 1.jpg

What's your job title?
Director of Communication

Which organization do you work for?
Phi Gamma Delta

Where can we follow you on social media?
Facebook: Erica Carlson
Instagram: @ericacarlson325

What's your favorite thing about serving FCA?
My favorite thing about serving FCA is supporting the organization so others can experience the same great benefits I get.

Which Annual Conference location has been your favorite and why?
Washington, DC was my favorite location, because of the access to free museums/attractions during our off hours.

Who is your professional mentor or role model? What's the most valuable thing you've learned from him or her?
My role model is my Aunt Katie. She has taught me that I have the ability to stand up for my needs and I shouldn't be afraid to ask for help.

What is your dream job (please exclude your current role)?
My dream job is anything that allows me to do art, be in nature and work with/rescue animals.

What's your favorite personality quiz and which type are you?
Gretchen Rubin's The Four Tendencies. I am a Questioner, which explains why I am good at meeting my own internal expectations, why I am frequently researching/questioning the ways things are done, and why I question external expectations (I need to see data/understand why I should do things a certain way).

If you had an unlimited budget, where would you host a brainstorming session?
On a mountain or cliff-line

What's your MLB walk-out song?
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song

If your personality was a color, what would it be?

What are the last three emoji you used?
Heart, laughing, thumbs-up โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘

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