Board Spotlight: Wendy Barker

Board Spotlight: Wendy Barker

Get to Know your FCA Board of Directors!

FCA Board of Directors are the people who volunteer their time and talent to keep Fraternity Communications Association thriving!

Meet Wendy Barker, President

Wendy Barker Headshot.jpg

What's your job title?
Director of Marketing & Communication

Which organization do you work for?
Alpha Gamma Delta

What is your fraternity/sorority affiliation (if any)?
Alpha Gamma Delta

What's your favorite thing about serving FCA?
I love being able to recognize our members' hard work through awards.

Which Annual Conference location has been your favorite and why?
Lexington, KY - I love horse racing and bourbon!.

Who is your professional mentor or role model? What's the most valuable thing you've learned from him or her?
My previous boss in corporate america, Shannah. I learned from her that as long as you are honest in any situation there will be a way to work through it.

What is your dream job (please exclude your current role)?
VP Marketing for the University of Georgia or Churchill Downs.

What's your favorite personality quiz and which type are you?
True Colors Assessment - GOLD, I provide stability and can maintain organization (even in chaos).

If you had an unlimited budget, where would you host a brainstorming session?
Anywhere tropical.

What's your MLB walk-out song?
"Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by Pat Benatar

If your personality was a color, what would it be?

What are the last three emoji you used?
Smile, eye roll and rolling on the floor laughing ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฃ

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