Board Spotlight: Heather Kirk

Board Spotlight: Heather Kirk

Get to Know your FCA Board of Directors!

FCA Board of Directors are the people who volunteer their time and talent to keep Fraternity Communications Association thriving!

Meet Heather Kirk, Director of Recognition

Meet the Board_Kirk.jpg

What's your job title?
Chief Communications Officer

Which organization do you work for?
Sigma Phi Epsilon

What is your fraternity/sorority affiliation (if any)?
Zeta Tau Alpha

Where can we follow you on social media?
Instagram: @hmk0618

Twitter: @hmk0618

What's your favorite thing about serving FCA?
I'm excited to serve on the board after being in FCA for 10 years or so. Working with a great group of people to help recognize the incredible work in our field is why I said "yes."

Which Annual Conference location has been your favorite and why?
I loved experiencing Washington with FCA. From visiting the Newseum to staying late with FCA friends to tour the monuments and museums, it was a great setting for learning and networking.

Who is your professional mentor or role model? What's the most valuable thing you've learned from him or her?
I am fortunate to have an incredible sounding board of people both inside and outside the industry—current and past colleagues, as well as long-time fraternity and PR professionals—that I bounce ideas off of. The most valuable lesson—trust your gut!

What is your dream job (please exclude your current role)?
I'd love to run my own agency one day. I enjoy working with different types of groups with varying needs and problems.

What's your favorite personality quiz and which type are you?
I love StrengthsQuest because it focuses on what you bring to the table instead of starting at a deficit. My top five strengths are Learner, Achiever, Woo, Individualization, and Ideation.

If you had an unlimited budget, where would you host a brainstorming session?
On safari in Africa! A little fear and a little beer would probably produce great results.

What's your MLB walk-out song?
Good As Hell

What are the last three emoji you used?

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