Session 2 Recap: Fundraising Communications During COVID-19
#FCAAnnual looks a little different this year, but we are grateful to still be offering educational sessions for our members! Here are five key takeaways from the educational session: Fundraising Communications During COVID-19.
Don’t be afraid to ask for additional feedback.
As your organization attempts to take new initiatives while influenced by COVID-19, it is important to have everyone on the same page. TG Livak of Pi Beta Phi said that she expanded her usual group of colleagues that review content before publication to include more people from her staff, while Desiree Paulhamus of Tri Sigma said that she utilized focus groups prior to sending out communication regarding fundraising to ensure their messaging was effective, but also sensitive to how people are responding to lifestyle changes.
Your influential members are as important as ever.
According to Sarah Cone of Alpha Delta Pi, their fundraising campaign ambassadors have accounted for a quarter of their fundraising results! Members that are well-connected in your organization stand out in social media feeds, so make sure that you are finding your influencers and incorporating them in your campaign strategy to connect with your donors.
Offer non-monetary options to engage in a campaign.
Many people, including dedicated donors, have had their giving ability restricted by COVID-19’s economic impact. Livak emphasized the importance of setting goals that incorporate engagement in addition to fundraising goals, and Jennifer Thompson of Alpha Gamma Delta said that they pushed for sisters to make meaningful personal connections so that everyone would feel included, regardless of their ability to give.
Many panelists said that they incorporated options for members to participate in their campaigns without donating, including applying for volunteer service, taking time to connect with their brothers or sister and making a promise to give in the future.
Make the effort to engage with your donors
Many panelists agreed that they had shifted efforts to focus on stewardship rather than making direct fundraising asks. Paulhamus said that Tri Sigma has made efforts to reach out to recurring donors with check-in calls, opting to seek future financial commitment rather than immediate action. Likewise, Cone said that the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation’s recent pivot on a direct mail piece to focus on stewardship with a gentle ask at the bottom saw success in the form of brand new gifts.
Sensitivity is critical.
The variance in severity of how people have been impacted by COVID-19 is important to take into consideration when crafting a message. Emily Sickert of Alpha Chi Omega stressed that it is important that your communication efforts result in a positive experience, and that it is important to demonstrate how much your organization cares about the well-being of its membership.
As people seek out their virtual community, give members the option to be engaged in a campaign while recognizing their personal struggles, and show your appreciation for their continued commitment to their brotherhood/sisterhood through difficult times.
Click here to view the recording from May 12.
This wouldn’t be possible without the credible and resourceful speakers, thank you for your time and expertise!
Desiree Paulhamus
Fundraising Communications During COVID-19
Paulhamus has more than four years serving the Tri Sigma Foundation, with responsibilities including increasing engagement with alumnae and chapters while growing a culture of philanthropy. Additionally, her community involvement has included her local Kiwanis Club, president of her local young professionals’ network, and active member of her Association of Fundraising Professionals chapter.
Sarah Cone
Fundraising Communications During COVID-19
Cone is the Director of Development Operations for the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation. She spent eight years in law alumni relations before joining the ADPi Foundation staff in 2014. Her responsibilities include day of giving, direct mail, undergraduate giving, phone-a-thon, stewardship and operations
TG Livak
Fundraising Communications During COVID-19
Livak is the Marketing and Communications Director at Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women. A creative problem solver and strategic thinker, she has over 10 years of marketing and communications experience, with the majority of her time spent with B2B and member organizations. She holds an MSA cum laude in marketing from Lindenwood University.
Emily Sickert
Fundraising Communications During COVID-19s
Sickert is the social media coordinator for Alpha Chi Omega. A graduate of Butler University, where she studied public relations, leading her to love the challenge of making social media innovative and meaningful in an oversaturated world.
Jennifer Freeman Thompson
Fundraising Communications During COVID-19
Thompson has never met a play on words or an ultra thin sans serif she didn’t like. With both regional and national publications under her belt, Jennifer returned to the magazine world (and sorority life) in 2017 to serve as editor of the Quarterly magazine and marketing manager for Alpha Gamma Delta. A 20-year communications and marketing vet, Jennifer is a Certified Journalism Educator and has won several national marketing awards from the Society for Marketing Professional Services.