Board Spotlight: Lauren Palmer

Board Spotlight: Lauren Palmer

Get to Know your FCA Board of Directors!

FCA Board of Directors are the people who volunteer their time and talent to keep Fraternity Communications Association thriving!

Meet Lauren Palmer, Director of Networking

Meet the Board - Lauren Palmer Headshot.jpg

What's your job title?
Digital Media Manager

Which organization do you work for?
Kappa Alpha Theta

What is your fraternity/sorority affiliation (if any)?
Theta! I'm an alumnae initiate. It's interesting because I wasn't Greek in college, so I'm able to see both the member and non-member perspective.

Where can we follow you on social media?
Instagram: @lpalms84

What's your favorite thing about serving FCA?
I'm passionate about the power of community to provide support, validation, education, and friendship. I'm a better communications professional because of FCA, and I wanted to give back to this organization. We are volunteer led, and it takes a lot of work to bring everyone together for amazing events and facilitate important conversations. I wanted to be part of that effort. I truly believe the Greek world is stronger, more skilled, and more nimble because of FCA.

Which Annual Conference location has been your favorite and why?
I have loved them all, but I have to go with DC. Visiting The Newseum was an incredible experience.

Who is your professional mentor or role model? What's the most valuable thing you've learned from him or her?
I have many colleagues who have mentored and supported me, including Liz Rinck, longtime editor of the Theta Magazine who recently retired. From Liz I learned the power of speaking with intention. Liz has a quiet but meaningful presence, and she doesn't talk just to hear her own voice. As a result, when she has something to say, others really listen.

What is your dream job (please exclude your current role)?
I'm a writer both professionally and in my personal life, and I'm working on a memoir about motherhood and generational trauma. In my fantasy life, I would love to be a TV writer. I have an idea for a show called "HOA" about a group of wacky neighbors, centered around the eccentric characters who serve on the homeowner's association board. (This may or may not be inspired by experiences with my own neighborhood board.)

What's your favorite personality quiz and which type are you?
I'm a big of Gretchen Rubin, a writer who studies happiness and habits. Gretchen created a personality framework that specifically looks at how people handle obligations and what they find motivating. I'm an Obliger, meaning I fulfill promises to others but have a tendency of letting myself down unless I create outside accountability. This realization has been a game changer for my life.

If you had an unlimited budget, where would you host a brainstorming session?
London! I watch a lot of British YouTubers and have been fantasizing about a trip across the pond once the 'Rona releases its stranglehold.

What's your MLB walk-out song?
You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon

If your personality was a color, what would it be?
Green--serene at times, but capable of surprising vibrancy.

What are the last three emoji you used?
It's all laugh-cry. Is there any other way to describe life right now as a working homeschooling soul-is-dying parent? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

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